오늘 저희가 준비한 노래는 아이유의 신곡! Celebrity 입니다.
가사며 노래며 너무 좋아서 바로 커버해보았어요! 믿듣 아이유❤️

The song we prepared today is IU’s new song, Celebrity!
We loved the lyrics and the song, so we covered it right away! IU.. trust and listen..❤️
Thank you ?

▶ CONTACT : ahyj4j@gmail.com
▶ INSTAGRAM @harryan.yoonsoan

SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/album/5scv4Bw7myZfiT37DUr8em?si=k-1OIJoSRySB_-yVl8QVDA
APPLE MUSIC https://music.apple.com/us/album/harryan-yoonsoan-cover-playlist-4/1593604226
YOUTUBE MUSIC https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lmys9xho6TGD2QPTSSo2RAEap-OkMnEg0&feature=share

#iu #아이유​ #celebrity​ #dlwlrma


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